The new school year is upon us just as the spread of the Delta variant and increased Covid-19 rates are hitting alarming highs. While the past year and a half…
The prescriptions listed below are drawn from Johann Hari’s work. However, Hari’s ideas have a wide range of precursors. In considering these “social prescriptions” it is important to keep in…
Hari begins his book “Lost Connections” by describing his own struggles with depression, since adolescence, and his subsequent examination of medication treatment of depression. What makes this book particularly valuable…
Most therapists believe that the treatment approach/model that they utilize is clearly the best way to do therapy. I can remember as far back as graduate school, where the Behaviorist…
In her recent book, Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick, the psychologist Wendy Wood, examines how we develop habits, both good and bad, and…